Protect yourself wherever you are in the world

 We are building an AI based risk management system for individual, micro-businesses and community situational awareness, risk identification and mitigation platform. 

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    Get real-time alerts for risks around you with Angalia, an advanced AI system that assesses your specific area of interest and sniffs out potential risks. You can have peace of mind knowing that you'll be promptly informed of any potential dangers and provided with actionable recommendations.


    Get early warnings, take action, find backup plans and stay safe when travelling. Angalia is a one stop shop for all your personalised safety needs. Whether you are traveling to unfamiliar territory, or just want some peace of mind while at home.


    Safety is a fundemental right for everyone. Risk mitigation services were only accessible to big organisation due to the costs. Gone are those days, Angalia is accessible to everyone at a low cost.

Lack of access to timely information might put your life in danger

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Real-life Example: African Students Stranded in Ukraine War

A significant number of African students found themselves trapped in Ukraine during the war due to a lack of access to information and early warning systems. They were unaware of when the war would start and which parts of Ukraine would be affected. Even their country embassies were ill-informed. Angalia could have provided these students with timely information, allowing them to evacuate to safety.

Expect these features upon launch

  • Device frame
  • Device frame
  • SOS button

    With a click of a button, let people know that you have an emergency and you need help urgently. The app will also send your location to the right parties.

  • colour coded risk identifier

    Angalia trackers major risks such as "security risk", "health risk", "unrest" and "natural disaster risk" among others. The serverity of the risk is displayed by colour to help users react faster.

  • Map view hotspot identifier

    If you are planning a trip, you can view the map to see crime or unrest hotspot to avoid. Angalia will provide updates when the situation changes in that identified area.  

  • See if others in the area are safe

    See other Angalia users in the area for the purpose of providing support. When someone e.g a fellow expat presses an SOS button for instance, you will also see on the app too.

  • Are You With Us?

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    • Stay up to date
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    Risk management is a more realistic term than safety. It implies that hazards are ever-present, that they must be identified, analyzed, evaluated, and controlled or rationally accepted.

    American investment banker

    Felix G. Rohatyn